Такова была его борьба, но тогда этого никто не заметил и Мир дорого заплатил за это

Список преступлений Ислама Каримова и его окружения

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"Analysing the general situation in republic, it is established, that mass reprisals in Uzbekistan under all pretexts, cannot be the initiative of separate officials, and there are concrete recommendations of the first persons of the state... In the Context of the International Tribunal it is qualified as genocide and a crime against humanity... " Warsaw September, 2002




 " I swear, that people of Uzbekistan never  will regret that I became the president " Islam Karimov       

Evgeni Dyakonov, the book the second, "Democracy on-Uzbek or Islam Каримов - ball of a Satan "


Russian version (original) The Chapter the twentieth "And nevertheless to whom Andizhan " was favorable? Russian version (original)

In an anniversary of bloody events in Andizhan, probably, many will find my speech by blasphemy, but to not tell about become painful in any way it is impossible.

Having reconsidered weight of materials about Andizhan from different sources, involuntarily you tend to analytical conclusions, and involuntarily there is a question to whom Andizhan was favorable? If to look from an emotional position blood and murders of people were not necessary to anybody. And if to look at it under other prism? To whom the push to political revolution in the Central Asia was necessary?

About the Andizhan tragedy, most precisely also have unbiased stated a colleague from Human Rights Watch in reports " the Lead rain. The Andizhan massacre on May 13th " and " covering up traces. Tashkent copies history of the Andizhan events ".

The site Muslim Uzbekistan has published archive of clauses " Bloody Andizhan " that is the fullest picture of an event. Fergana. Ру, Vesti.ru, Human rights Center the Memorial and many other things.

            For today anybody so has not lead precise investigation of all chain of the events led tragically destruction of people. Project UZBEK-PEOPLE, has decided to fill this blank and to lead own investigation. The name, speaks for itself. Really, if any events cannot occur simply so, on an empty place, EVERYTHING whatever occurred around of us.

            I do not wish to protect, someone or to accuse, I only wish to compare with all events in a uniform chain and to make neutral, but objective conclusions.

 Dear my reader, I represent on your court next, or extraordinary clause about crimes of Islam Karimov against people of Uzbekistan and its foreign policy.

            Bloody events in Andizhan have radically turned all world politics and now on a political arena, there was a castling, contenders have exchanged places that have seriously changed a political picture on the central-Asian front of political-ideological war.

 But in the previous materials, I not one ten times repeated and I shall repeat, that the enemy of any idle talks and conjectures, I the supporter of the facts taken place to be.

Annoyingly, but the procommunist propaganda machine, again has earned also someone has dug out an axe of " cold war " between the East and the West.

            One more Andizhan because events of " Black Friday " and " Bloody Sunday « have forgotten in three days is necessary to the world, and today anybody does not have up to us business. In the United Nations continue to exaggerate a theme of " eternally hungry Africa ", and that that in the countries of the Central Asia half of inhabitants breads elementary under eat, on it to spit.

The world program on struggle against famine, on former Soviet republics is not calculated. If money get in the CIS there them and will plunder, especially in Asia, on the African projects to steal more favorably and more safely, in the United Nations of the swindlers suffices, what for it with someone to share? Always it is possible to be covered with antiracist slogans.

            Russia, having won ideological "war" with the USA for presence at the Central Asia, has justified massacre in Andizhan. And in Moscow anybody н interests, that into a henhouse has again got old artful foxes, everyone understand, that it sooner or later "will throw" Russia as "has thrown" earlier, Turks, Arabs, Korean, Japanese, Europeans, Americans, Russian it by the way it too "threw", but in Moscow it "have forgotten" for a while.

            "However" and FSB, remember that at any moment Islam Каримов can turn again to Russia back and consequently ORT has begun propagation against virtual Uzbek opposition, (another unfortunately while is not present), and N.Patrushev prepares for " a political trap " for the old scoundrel. As it will look, will show time, one is clear, that Vladimir Vladimirovich, it to you not Boris Nikolaevich, and at all Boris Abramovich. Gross national product is not the player, and more likely the fisherman if not its hook the "cotton" fish has got, with gold-bearing guts and uranium scales be, are assured, it never will miss its (fish).

            It would be desirable, that, the Kremlin megaphone, Michael Leontev, all the same was not the one-sided journalist, and would look at an underside of a medal. It is assured, that before events of Andizhan, the colleague dear by me could not show on a card where there is Fergana valley, let alone that in 2001, on September, 11th it has publicly named the Central Asia - " Central Asian помойка ", let alone that it never was in Uzbekistan, and does not know expectations and problems of people.

            Looking at performances of the Russian leader and to be wished to tell, " Vladimir Vladimirovich! I wish to ask you, as the scout - the scout: you when be mail read? Or your subordinates save you from the undesirable information? " But after the application of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, " We work only with operating authority " all to become clear, without comments, the Uzbek opposition, it is not necessary to count on favor of the Kremlin. Considering, how many politicians of Uzbekistan, have been violently deported to Tashkent, with infringements of all taken obligations of Russia, before the United Nations and OSCE to doubts almost does not remain places.

Obstinate thing, from them and only from them it is possible to restore the facts is no time the lost true. But as it has been told in last clause - " the Person of True - not always pleasantly ". Therefore, whether it is necessary someone to address from us to True, in fact True as an obstinate mare, for it to not keep up and it kicks painfully. I hope, that True and the truth, very soon will the main arguments in the International Tribunal, against Islam Karimov, for crimes against humanity. But it will be not tomorrow, for now …

The unique journalist who has appeared in the center of events, was Alexey Volosevich, that actually too is not casual. It is necessary to ask the colleague, whether its occurrence there, before known events was casual? But nevertheless, its materials though as that throw light on true.

Well-known, that in good time before bloody events indicative litigation above group of the businessmen accused by authorities in high treasons has served. People dissatisfied with an arbitrariness of authorities send on streets with the protest. There were also other reasons, poverty, and impunity of militia, corruption, absence of work. Approached to authority – good live, and a great bulk of local residents a vein on bread and water, famine - as the firm mark of this region.

Authorities have answered, machine-gun fire. The group of the armed people has taken storm local prison, wishing to release unfairly condemned comrades. And here the most tragic about what already wrote all mass media has begun, all over the World.

So, after authorities have lost the control over a situation, holding a meeting have addressed to the President of Russia, with the request to interfere with their destiny. The fact of the reference and the text, carefully disappears about one today. The Russian, American, Uzbek and European mass media, too persistently ignore this event. Though, here and " the dog is buried ". Karimov has accused Kyrgyzstan of bloody events of Andizhan and the version about terrorists has disappeared. Then, suddenly there was a version from Karimov: the organizer of disorders in Andizhan - ascertains current "Hizb ut Tahrir", however the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, that: disorders in Uzbekistan are caused by weakness of authority, but the Uzbek authorities recommend journalists recommend to leave Andizhan. Why? Right case that the information has not poured out outside, and the World would not learn the truth. Sewed in a bag to not conceal, and secret always to become obvious but as long still Islam Karimov will keep a cover above a boiling boiler under the name Uzbekistan, remains a riddle of time.

The USA strengthens pressure upon Uzbekistan and NATO, does cautious applications but as a whole, it does not do any weather. Though Americans should be given due, cooperation with the dictator and mass infringements of human rights in Uzbekistan managed to be ignored, but massacre of peace inhabitants, it already through, many.

Islam Karimov has refused the international investigation at once after about it has been told, but about one today, anybody cannot precisely tell, whether Kofi Annan to Islam Karimov offered the international investigation or not? Not clearly, who them то say lies? If says lies Islam Karimov it does not cause in anybody surprise. And here if the secretary general of the United Nations, then????????????

The leader of the world democratic revolution, comrade Bush, considers the report of the commission of the United Nations under human rights as one more certificate of shooting of the Uzbek forces of safety on hundreds people in Andizhan and continues to insist on the international investigation of these events.

But questions nevertheless remain, and on them while there are no answers:

 So, if under the statement, Islam Karimov, disorders have been organized and prepared by Islamic extremist groupings why, insurgents have not addressed to Usama bin Laden? The version about participation of the international terrorist organizations means disappears. Further.

If, the Andizhan events have been in advance planned " by destructive forces in the West " and in Uzbekistan " color revolution " why risen have not acted with similar applications was planned next and have not addressed to America for the help? On the contrary, the USA, demanded clearness and an openness, that Каримову, is obvious not on a shower, the truth could not be let out. The version about " the western provocation " too is not pertinent. As, the USA declared that with human rights in Uzbekistan everything is all right.

It is necessary to be the full idiot to approve, that the Andizhan events have been in advance planned by the Uzbek special services, Каримову, the Andizhan events were necessary least.

So why insurgents have addressed to Putin? There is nobody be, namely to Putin? And why Putin, has not supported risen? Why it some days stored silence while the situation was not clear. Probably, because, in Kyrgyzstan, two months earlier were similar conditions and the Kremlin orators have hastened to name raised against akaev’s authorities, "vahabits", then, small groups hooligans, and today the Kremlin is compelled to work with these "vahabits and hooligans ". That has not shame, gross national product has decided to refrain from hasty conclusions.

China too does not get in any way in " the list suspected ".

The European Union, too does not get in any way in this caste, especially, OSCE, have presented the report on events in Andizhan and punishment above "Terrorists".

 But there is also one more, the truth a crazy idea, but is thought, that worthy.

Bloody events in Andizhan were necessary, only Russia and are set, the truth of the indirect bases to believe, that the Andizhan massacre was carefully, is developed by the Russian power departments.

What for? At the complicated question, the most simple answer. Cold war between Russia and the USA accepts more and more refined methods where nobody shuns even the dirtiest technologies. And if it is a question of lives of several hundreds or even thousand people, for politicians, it is necessary to notice in both camps, it not a question.

Aggression, the USA against Iraq, thousand people kill, the majority from which, the peace population - who for it will answer? The weapon of mass defeat in Iraq and have not found, it there and was not. So even the nearest supporters of the USA already approve, the British Parliament, has published the report on a state of affairs in the Iraq campaign from which follows what to judge it is necessary Bush, instead of Saddam. And about murder of 5000 Kurds, for comparison. Islam Karimov has destroyed in camps, besides Andizhan, where a lot of people, and too anything. And can the USA, there is a sense, bring down all aggression on regime Karimov, Niyazov? Misters were late, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan were closed by contracts about collective safety.

But, Russia needed to return the lost positions on " southern boundaries " and for this purpose that was necessary what nonsense, here it and have arranged. In FSB, all have precisely counted. They have been assured, what position will borrow the USA and the Europe, after such events and precisely knew, where Islam Karimov to address for the help to avoid the international investigation and to hide the crimes it is possible, only, having fenced off by the Garden Ring or the Chinese Wall. So all also was, Karimov, has hastened to melt ice misunderstandings and has come running to Putin concordant on any conditions.

One of advisers of the President of Russia, recently has declared, that in the Kremlin know that in has really occurred in Andizhan. Well if know, why do nothing, for disclosing these crimes? And to whom it is necessary, to be convicted in concealment of crimes against humanity? Therefore the Kremlin will lower all on brakes, as before. And next day, a channel "RTR-planet" in one of releases of news has declared, " … In Russia yet do not know what to do with " not clear countries " such as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

The revenge VVP is severe and refined, for requirements of the international investigation, Moscow has recognized "Hamas" - the most malicious enemy of the USA and has invited to itself, having declared, that never considered this organization terrorist. But it is possible to argue on it.

The white House too in a duty has not remained, having invited to itself of the Chechen separatists, and openly having declared, that is ready to sponsor new acts of terrorism in Russia and against Russia. It is possible to assume with confidence, that such loud event could not pass without the consent and is conducted G. W. Bush-younger.

Who knows, than all this to terminate? Again the cold war, at any moment ready to pass in the conflict of civilizations, and there and up to the Third World it is not far.

Cooperation of Russia and Uzbekistan is insulting, that, has begun after the Andizhan tragedy. Moscow has supported the bloody dictator. The behaviors of Moscow, recently in general causes weight of questions, and in foreign policy in general, there is an impression, that the Kremlin is ready to cooperate though shat-bald if only these countries have not gone aside democracies and the European way of life.

Examples to that set, the gas conflict to Ukraine as in a plot from film " the Diamond hand " - " And who will refuse, we shall disconnect gas ". Wine scandals with Georgia and Moldova. Everyone who has dared to turn aside democracies and freedom, from totalitarianism, will be severely punished by the Kremlin, somewhere economically, and somewhere politically.

Washington too, accepts any actions, anything you like, against Russia and Russian. Now, in the White House, all Central-Asian regions openly name the "Trash-Stan" and in something Yankee are right!

Annoyingly, but V.V.Putin does not understand, that Islam Karimov, not Immortal, and it cannot correct eternally. Sooner or later, the truth about crimes of a ruling mode in Uzbekistan becomes, is world renowned, and then to ethnic Russian in Uzbekistan will start to revenge for Putin. Though in what they are guilty? That they had misfortune to be born in Uzbekistan. To Russian already revenged in Uzbekistan for the Soviet past, by the way, during the stay of Islam Каримова.

The fact, that Islam Karimov, is the political prostitute, nothing solves, it have understood all and Moscow both in Washington and in Beijing. But what it changes?

            The author as does not pursue the purpose "to be rehabilitated or justified" before the public. Everyone has the right to do conclusions and subsequently to write responses by virtue of the intelligence allocated by the Nature, but this right of each of us.

To be continue, sincerely yours Evgeni Dyakonov. 01.05.2006

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