| Гостевая Книга| Сообщество | ФОРУМ | Чат-хона | Post | "Анализируя общую ситуацию в республике, установлено, что массовые репрессии в Узбекистане под всяческими предлогами, не могут быть инициативой отдельных чиновников, а есть конкретные рекомендации первых лиц государства... В Контексте Международного Трибунала это квалифицируется как геноцид и преступление против человечества..." Варшава сентябрь 2002 года |
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us the hard destiny of the journalist only will not wear out, I shall
tell from itself personally will not wear out only on turns of destiny.
But here almost after annual silence some circumstances again have
forced me to undertake old - namely, independent investigations and
protection of human rights. In
december 2003 property of popularity became the following circumstance,
that the government of Russia has enclosed money in project changes of
authority in Uzbekistan, namely about 100 million US dollars, by means
of bankers and other men of weight. The purpose of this project is
replacement of the USA from the Central Asia and return of the lost
positions in all region. The project is designed for one year which
beginning is planned on first quarter 2004. From
possible candidates for Presidents and the Government of Uzbekistan,
political refugees in the European countries. Now the Government of
Russia conducts with them (with politic emigrants) negotiations
separately, namely, in November has "suddenly left Norway Mukhamad
Solikh and has got over to Germany with which and influental’s
turkish businessmen’s , the
Ambassador of Russia in Germany and the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in
Germany mediates in Russia. Independently
Russian Government, namely employees subordinates Yasterzhemskiy,
secretly through Bakhrom Muminakhunov, the political emigrant in Norway,
prepare Anvar Karimova's for nominee, too the political emigrant in
Norway, on one of key posts of the new proRussian government. Russian
prepare for this project rather seriously and consequently business is
not limited to one only “ the Norwegian Uzbeks ”. Not
last role in “ selection of the staff ” is played human rights by
the legal expert, and as a matter of fact spy Vitaly Ponomarev, it and
his assistants, are borrowed with search and gathering of the
information about politic emigrants from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia had some conversations with Pulat Akhunov, the head Is central - the Asian Organization in Sweden. In
the East speak, - ”The Enemy of my enemy - my friend” as this saying
is impossible by the way was came to drag on the party insanes fanatics,
Islamic radicals. It
at total destruction of an islam on Northern Caucasus! From
“ the third front ” Islamic radicals have extended on a political
arena of three candidates for propagation of construction in the Central
Asia Islamic Khalifat (State), it is natural with to hammer in to
one’s brain the antiAmerican and antiwestern ideology. It
is possible, that for the reader it there will be new names, it is
living in Norway Namaz Mamatkulov, living in Denmark Abduvakhid Pattaev
and found a haven in Russia one of leaders Khizb-ut-Takhrir somebody
Timur - khodzha. At
such that position, and it is natural, it was necessary to expect
counteraction from the Uzbek special services and reaction has not kept
itself waiting. In November, 2003 in Tashkent 11 high-ranking officials
and militarians on charge in espionage for the benefit of Russia have
been arrested, the Russian party has admitted this fact, so also the
participation. Further,
outstripping possible events of special service of Uzbekistan direct to
Europe special group which should take root into system of refugees,
basically to Scandinavia. The problem of this group - gathering of data
on political emigrants from Uzbekistan and their subsequent physical
elimination, how happened not time. As secret receptions, employees of
the Uzbek special services will "surrender" as refugees from
Tadjikistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkmenistan, the some people with
families, who that with children, etc. Everyone
works as able, the result is important, and the purpose the throne and
his head justifies means, that means for the tyrant, if on game much
easier beconing of a hand and the servant will bring heads of
trouble-makers to legs of the tyrant. And
so, the purpose elimination of "traitors"
of the Native land as usually it was done, people will "suddenly"
disappear or perish in accidents or in case of accidents. To
proof it attempt on
Mukhamad Solikh in 2001, attempt at Anvar Karimova in Norway Alta in
March, 2003 is, murder assistant Namaz Mamatkulov - there is nobody
Abdulla, secretly left of Norway for propagation of an islam in
Uzbekistan. Later
it became known, that sponsor Abdulla was arabic mosque Bilyal, that on
Charles Bernes Platce in Oslo. That the fact can be considered as
“spurring” arabs of Russia. On
December, 2, 2003 Bakhrom Muminakhunov has taken off for Moscow,
preliminary having discussed with Anvar Karimovym. B.Muminakhunov
evedently does not go to meet to Russia New Year, and for final
negotiations about the beginning of this project and financial to
support of possible nominees in the newly made government. And
certainly here there is a weight of questions, for example; -
Whether it is possible to avertr actions special groups
from Uzbekistan in camps of refugees across all Europe? -
That authorities European the countries if there will be a conflict
between political emigrants who mark on those or other posts will
undertake; (Islamites, democrats, the proRussian puppets and the Uzbek
government? -
As far as prodably the information that the Russian government does not
conduct negotiations with the Scandinavian colleagues is, giving the
instruction to corresponding structures on refugees in these countries
about translation of political emigrants to Russia, ostensibly with the
purpose to secure them from actions of the Uzbek special services. -
And what in general statistics about political emigrants in
Europe, in fact all is usual in the organizations on migrants so it is
secret.... (The
Author has materials about some miscalculations in But about it with
following a material “
is not a lot of fact sheet. So,
on November, 6, 2003 one of the Uzbek journalists in Norway was called
by employee ??? and threatened, - ” we all of you... ” On
November, 8 2003 in conversation with Mukhamad Solikh, it was found out
that it does not exclude new provocation actions, including attempt at a
life of political emigrants. Probably, what exactly therefore it has
quickly left Norway, from myself I shall notice, that in Oslo it has
thrown everything, that to much is simply inaccessible also to it was
gave too not easily. Avar
Karimov and Bakhrom Muminakhunov in general refusal to make comments on
this situation. Islamic leaders, also did not differ hospitableness and
behaved aggressively. Pulat
Akhunov do not with problem the citizen of Sweden goes to Uzbekistan,
though already for a long time. The
meeting with leaders Khizb-ut-Takhrir while is impossible, as they are
well hidden in Russia.
And in end, for uninitiated readers, “ heroes of our time ”. 1.
Mukhamad Solikh - the former candidate for Presidents of Uzbekistan,
chairman of party ???, in Uzbekistan - the person - a legend. In
conditions of brutal reprisals in Uzbekistan, his popularity only grows.
Namaz Mamatkulov - the former head of Surkhan-Darya branch OPCHU, veins
in Turkey, contacted to the radical Islamic world. At present has
finally lost mind on ground of a radical islam. Lives in Norway. (the Author prepares for separate clause about dangerous which religious fanatics, but about it with following a material “BEAR THE CRUSADE ON THE ISLAM ”) 3.
Pulat Akhunov - the former
deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the vice-president of National
Movement “Birlik”, the citizen of Sweden. 4.
Bakhrom Muminakhunov - the former officer of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Uzbekistan, the former cotton businessman, is close connected
to the Russian political elite, has close contacts to the Chechen
diaspora in Russia, and also with crime authorities. It declares, that
not later than February 2004 it will name an exact nominee of the new
president of Uzbekistan and Prime-minister of Minister. 5.
Anvar Karimov - perhaps "dark horse", about it is not enough
that know, except for that that it one of pupils of a command of
Kasyanov and one of pupils Kudratilla Akhmedov - the head of clan
Karimov’s, there are incontestable proofs of what on him stake in
Russia as on one of possible candidates, on one of key posts in the
future Government of Uzbekistan. It the son of the known Uzbek general
and the grandson of the known Uzbek oppositionist. 6.
Timur - khodzha- one of leaders Khizb-ut-Takhrir, actively cooperates
with FSB of Russia and is under their protection. If will be what or the
gleam in this would seem not to plausible history or who that can that
or add, we ask to express the opinion or to discuss this clause. Evgeni Dyakonov
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